A Closer Look at Some Mobile Advice

Patti RennerIn the recent issue of Integrated Solutions for Retailers, Frederick’s of Hollywood is profiled with their approach to mobile and ecommerce. It’s worth reading. But when you dig deeper into the article, you witness the potentially conflicting advice of integration of channels that I thought was worth sharing with you.
In the section “Three Components of a Great Mobile Website,” Gary Lombardo talks about the three must-haves when it comes to solid mobile website design and execution.
First is functionality that’s tailored to the device type. This also includes easy navigation, and content relevant to the on-the-go user.

The second must-have according to the article is speed and performance. Recognizing that some factors that may or may not be in a retailer’s control, there are ways to adjust to enhance load times and improve performance.

I’m right there with you, Gary. In fact, past Lunch Pail articles share similar advice. But it’s the third point that I find most interesting. Frankly, I think it deserves some clarity.

Here’s what I’m referring to: “Finally, Lombardo suggests integrating the mobile website with other digital channels, but it also should be managed separately.”

When I first read this, I thought he was making a case to take a silo’d approach to channel management. It’s true that running multi-channel campaigns off several disparate platforms can get tedious and labor-intensive. So the concept of “managed separately,” at first glance, sounds like the opposite of true channel integration – which contradicts an aforementioned best practice.

Taking a closer look, I realize the statement can be interpreted in two different ways. Change-resistant marketers can see it as another reason for internal operations to remain divided into separate fiefdoms, coming together only when necessary to coordinate campaigns. However, more forward-thinking marketers can see the advice for what it was probably intended – to engage the mobile audience with messaging and experiences that properly serve the on-the-go consumer.

Actually, I don’t think mobile should be managed separately but should be “treated” differently with design functionality and content uniquely targeted to the mobile user (not a tiny version of the regular website) to best serve your audience.

The real value comes when you can unite your data within a single platform, so you can power each send on real-time data to build unique segments for advanced targeting regardless of channel. To learn more about creating segments within Concentri, check out this screencast.